Saturday, December 20, 2008

Five simple ways to save yourself hundreds of dollars a month

Kelsey Hubbard

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- We are a country of spenders who must learn the hard way to practice what our grandparents have always known: A penny saved is a penny earned.

Consider that about 43% of Americans spend more than they earn, according to estimates from the federal government, and the average household carries some $8,000 to $10,000 in credit-card debt.

To make matters worse, the average American no longer saves money. That's tumbled from a 10.8% average savings rate in 1984 into negative territory today. It's no wonder that many of us have been living way above our means for some time.

But that is getting harder and harder to do. Available credit for people to finance their lifestyles has shrunk if not dried up altogether and many Americans are standing by in shock watching their mortgage payments surge while the value of their 401(k)s drop.

It's clear Americans need to start spending less and saving more. That may sound easier said than it's done. The key is to be aware of your where your money is going and take steps to stop the leaks. Here are five simple tips that could save you hundreds of dollars a month:

1. Cash back at the pump

In the past five months gasoline prices have dropped 56%, from an average price of $4.11 to $1.80 a gallon. Somehow, households found the money to pay the higher price and survive so now people should take that excess money they are saving and bank it.

Jean Chatzky, author and personal finance expert suggests using the money you were spending on gasoline to build up that rainy day fund or to pay some your holiday expenses instead of racking up more debt.

2. Supper savings

Another great way Americans can cut costs each month is to eat at home, says Jonathan and David Murray, twin brothers who are financial advisers.

According to a recent Zagat survey, Americans will spend an average of $34 this year every time they go out to eat dinner, that's for one dinner, drink and gratuity; $76.00 if they live in one of the 20 most expensive cities. If a couple does that four times in a month the expense is close to $300 in low-cost areas and $600 in higher-cost regions, and if you have more than one drink or are treating family or friends, costs can add up quickly.

Plan a dinner or party at home and ask guests to bring a dish. If you're big on getting together with friends, family and work associates, this could save you hundreds of dollars a month.

3. Renegotiate bills

You may not be able to negotiate with the gas company or the electric company, but you can with credit cards, cable and phone services, among others. Do the homework and find out what competing cable companies, for example, are offering and ask your provider to renegotiate your bill. You may have to get through to a manager but Chatzky said she recently did this and got her monthly bill reduced by $50.

4. Smart shopping

Retailers are poised to have one of the worst holiday shopping seasons in decades and are offering deep discounts to move merchandise. But smart shoppers can save even more money by hunting down coupons. Before ordering online or going to a store, go to sites like and or Google the name of a store and often you'll get a coupon code to enter at checkout. You can save 10% to 20% or more on the total order or maybe get free shipping.

There are also coupons to print out and take to the store for deeper discounts. And don't be afraid to pit one retailer against another by asking for a price match on sale items.

5. Keep the receipt

It is important to hang on to all your store receipts and keep track of sales. Savvy shoppers can possibly save even more on purchases by checking back to see if the retailers lower prices even further. If that happens within two weeks of your purchase, most stores will credit you the difference.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

7 Tips for a Better Resume

by Alesia Benedict,
Want more interviews? Job searches in tough times like now demand polished resumes more than ever. If you are attempting to write your own resume, these seven tips are important to follow:
1. Select the best format.While most resumes are written in a history chronological format, often a better technique is to evenly balance between skill-set description, achievements, and employment.
2. Make certain your document is error free.Since you are familiar with your own writing, you will "see" what you were thinking and not what is actually on the page. Do not rely on yourself to proofread your work and do not rely on spell-check. Find a friend who has strong grammar skills to check your work.
3. Find a balance between wordiness and lack of detail. Employers need to see details about your work history and experience, but they don't need to know everything. The fact that you were den leader in your Cub Scout troop is irrelevant. Keep information germane to the goal of attaining an interview. Eliminate information that is not related and will not have a direct impact on winning the interview.
4. Do not use personal pronouns."I," "me," "my," "mine," and "our" should not be on a resume. Resumes are written in first person (implied). Example: For your prior job description, instead of writing: "I hired, trained and supervised a team of assistant managers and sales associates" you would instead state that you "Hired, trained and supervised a team of assistant managers and sales associates." Fragment sentences are perfectly acceptable on a resume and actually preferred.
5. Use numerical symbols for numbers.While we are taught in school to spell out numbers less than ten, in resume writing, numerical symbols serve as "eye stops" and are a much better method. Instead of writing "Developed a dynamic team of eight consultants." it would be much more advantageous to state "Developed a dynamic team of 8 consultants."
6. Think "accomplishments" rather than "job duties."What makes you stand out from the crowd? How did you come up with a way to do things better, more efficiently, or for less cost? What won honors for you? Information such as this is vital, will grab attention, and put your resume at the top of the list.
7. Keep it positive.Reasons for leaving a job and setbacks do not have a place on a resume. Employers are seeking people who can contribute and have successfully performed in the past. Concentrate on communicating these issues and avoid any detracting information.
Remember, many first-time job interviews are conducted via telephone rather than in person. Make sure you are prepared for that telephone call when it arrives. And make sure you have a resume that will make the phone ring!

Alesia Benedict, Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Job and Career Transition Coach (JCTC), is the president of, a resume writing firm that provides mid-management and senior level professionals with customized, branded resumes and career marketing documents. offers a free resume critique and their services come with a wonderful guarantee -- interviews in 30 days or they'll rewrite for free!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

To Retire Early, You Must Get This Move Right

by George Mannes

Paul Weber has nearly every aspect of his retirement in place. He knows when it will start: The 56-year-old, who earns some $103,000 a year doing graphic design for investment research firm Morningstar, plans to empty his desk by year's end.
He knows where he'll live: with his girlfriend Nadia in their Fox Lake, Ill. home. He knows how he'll finance it: with the $900,000 he's saved. And he knows what he'll be doing: After years of squeezing in his passion for oil painting during odd hours, Weber imagines spending his days in the studio. There's just one part of this picture-perfect retirement that Weber hasn't figured out yet: what he'll do for health insurance.
Retirement will mean the end of Weber's employer-provided health coverage. He can stay on his company's plan for 18 months by paying the full premium, thanks to the federal law known as COBRA. That would take him only to age 58, far short of when he qualifies for Medicare at age 65.
He has thought about braving that gap without insurance to avoid what he expects will be high premiums. But he recognizes that a single medical crisis - cancer, for example - could put his savings at risk. "Something like that could wipe me out," he says.
If you're dreaming of early retirement - or finding yourself forced into it - you'll likely face a similar dilemma. Two decades ago, 66% of large employers offered retiree health benefits, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Now only 33% do. And as Weber suspects, getting decent coverage on your own - if you can - is a pricey proposition.
Families headed by people ages 60 to 64 pay an average of $9,201 a year for a private policy, according to a health insurance trade association. Covering your deductible, co-pays and other out-of-pocket expenses could add another $6,000 a year. No wonder some young retirees resort to working at Home Depot or other companies that offer health benefits to part-time workers.
Finding affordable retiree health insurance is intimidating, no question. But it's usually not impossible, says Carolyn McClanahan, a Jacksonville financial planner and medical doctor - especially if you start your planning early.
Do a reality check. Before you get too carried away with an early-retirement dream, you need a realistic idea of whether you can buy insurance on the open market and, if so, whether you can afford it.
Unfortunately, many conditions render you virtually uninsurable in most states, Type 1 diabetes, heart disease and recent cancer among them. Even high blood pressure and obesity can eliminate your chances of buying a policy. Just as bad, you might be able to get only coverage that excludes a particular problem and its complications. So if high blood pressure were on that list, for example, you'd get no help were you to suffer a stroke.
Long before you plan your good-bye party, talk to an independent insurance agent (you'll find a directory at the National Association of Health Underwriters site at Armed with underwriting guidelines from different insurers, he can give you an unofficial appraisal of your odds, gratis. (Don't fret yet. If you can't get insurance this way, you may still qualify for coverage; see "Look for a last resort.").
Also ask for an estimate of your premiums. Then do the math. Assume these will continue to grow at their recent average of nearly three times the rate of inflation, or 10% annually. Add up what you'll pay through age 65. If that comes to $100,000, you may need to save that much more to afford early retirement.
Weber feels pretty healthy, though he recalls that his cholesterol level was a high risk 250 last he checked. If that's his only chronic condition, he might see premiums close to $300 a month, says John Garven, president of the Illinois State Association of Health Underwriters. But if Weber is not in as good shape as he thinks, he could pay as much as $800 monthly.
Get in better shape. The healthier you are, the easier your insurance search will be and the lower your premiums. So it's worth remedying whatever problems you can, says McClanahan. A few years before retiring, get a physical to see if key measurements - like weight, blood pressure and cholesterol - are where they should be. If not, you may be able to improve these and other conditions with medication, exercise or a change in diet. Aim for better health at least a year before you apply for insurance. As for Weber, McClanahan suggests he get to a doctor soon to gauge his health and start fixing any problems.
Probe the paperwork. Even if you're in the best of health, your medical records may paint a less flattering portrait due to errors or omissions. So when you schedule your checkup, ask your doctor to set aside time to review your medical history with you for accuracy.
Also, if you've applied for individual life, health, disability or long-term-care insurance within the past seven years, the industry may already have a file on you. You can get a free copy of what's in yours from the MIB Group (, under Consumers), an insurance industry clearinghouse. Quickly correct any errors.
Stay with the company. Firms with 20 or more employees must give you the option of staying on your insurance plan for up to 18 months. It's guaranteed coverage, but it isn't cheap. Your premium is roughly what you've been paying plus what your employer's been kicking in. (Weber, a single guy, will cough up $370 a month.)
If nothing else, COBRA buys you time - without risky coverage gaps - before you go into the private market. And if you can't get insurance because of health problems, exhausting COBRA makes you what's known as HIPAA-eligible, guaranteeing certain backup coverage (see last step).
Start the search. Launch your hunt for an individual policy a few months before you leave your job or before COBRA expires (once offered a policy, you usually have to start it within a month). You may want to begin your search at a site like, but keep in mind that those rates apply to the healthiest applicants. That's why an agent can be helpful in finding the best insurer and deal for your circumstances.
To keep your premiums affordable, your best bet may be a high-deductible insurance plan coupled with a health savings account (HSA), if you qualify. While you'll be on the hook for, say, the first $5,000 in expenses annually, you're protected from big-ticket disasters.
An Aetna plan from AARP ( recently quoted $246 a month for a healthy 56-year-old male in Weber's zip code. You then pay for out-of-pocket costs with money from your HSA, which doubles as a tax-deferred savings plan. HSA contributions are tax deductible - the 2009 limit is $3,000 for an individual, $5,950 for a couple; plus another $1,000 if you're 55 or over. Funds grow tax-free; any nonmedical withdrawals after 65 are taxed as ordinary income.
Look for a last resort. If you can't get individual coverage, you have options, though they're not ideal. By law, states must make last-resort insurance available if you're HIPAA-eligible. But these plans can be limited and costly.
Another tack: Some states mandate guaranteed group plans for businesses with even one employee, which may make sense if you'll do any consulting work. For a national overview of your options, go to and click on Managed Care & Health Insurance. Get in-depth information about your particular state at
Finally, if you're up for adventure and can bear cold winters, you could move to one of the five states - Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Vermont - that forbid insurers from rejecting applicants for medical reasons. You'll pay for the privilege, however: Monthly individual HMO premiums in Albany, N.Y., for example, run from $666 to $1,333.
Weber, meanwhile, is intrigued by the high-deductible plan linked to an HSA. "It sounds like an attractive option," he says. Gently reminded by McClanahan that he may need to take better care of himself to qualify, Weber says that he'll get his cholesterol tested at an upcoming company health screening and see his doctor soon. He's willing to put in the effort to make his retirement a masterpiece.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to Save $8,919.45 a Year

by Jessica Dickler

In tough times, consumers are looking to stretch their dollars further. Here are six simple ways to save thousands.

1. Strategic Shopping

Potential annual savings: $5,200
Stephanie Nelson, founder of, a site that tracks deals at your local grocery store, says that shoppers can save an average of $50 to $100 a week on their groceries if they spend about 30 minutes once a week planning out their supermarket trip.
Not only are there plenty of savings to be found in newspaper circulars and on online coupon sharing sites like, but grocery stores like Safeway and Pathmark often have coupons on their sites. There are also coupons available direct from manufacturers. For example, SC Johnson offers printable coupons on its Web site for $2 off Windex and other popular household products. "People can save 50% on their grocery bill by using the store's sales, putting coupons on top of that and going to the Web for additional online coupons," Nelson said.
2. Skip Starbucks
Potential annual savings: $2,425
David Bach, the author of Go Green, Live Rich, contends that it is easy to save a few thousand dollars a year and cut down on waste simply by eliminating that morning coffee and a muffin. That's what he calls the "latte factor," and you'd be surprised how quickly that $5 breakfast-on-the-go every morning adds up. The same goes for lunch. The average American worker who buys lunch during the workweek spends $6.60 a day, according to a recent "Brown Bag" survey by ConAgra. And they are eating up a substantial savings opportunity. Buying enough ingredients to pack a lunch from home just three days a week can save about $600 a year.
3. Upgrade Your Appliances
Potential annual savings: $150
While we're on the eco-friendly bandwagon, using compact fluorescent light bulbs saves about $30 in electricity costs over each bulb's lifetime. But to really impact your bottom line, consider upgrading an old appliance like a refrigerator or dishwasher. Newer energy efficient appliances can save $50 to $150 a year in energy costs, according to Energy Star.
4. Go Generic
Potential annual savings: $161.20
Generic brands of food and drugs can cost 20% to 50% less than the name brand and you're not likely to tell the difference. "Don't be afraid to try a cheaper brand," advises ShopSmart deputy editor Sue Perry.For example, just buying the store's own brand of butter instead of Land O'Lakes can save about 25%. If you switch to your supermarket's generic brand of milk as well, that will translate into about $3 a week in savings, and that does a wallet good.
5. Pay an Extra $1 On Your Credit Cards
Potential annual savings: $203.25
Everyone knows that carrying a credit card balance can be costly. But if paying off that balance isn't in the cards, even the smallest change can pay huge dividends. Instead of buying a soda from the vending machine, Bill Hardekopf, CEO of, recommends putting that dollar toward your credit card balance.For example, if you typically pay $100 a month on a $5,000 balance with a 14% APR, try upping that payment by just a dollar a day. By paying an extra $30 a month, you'll pay off your balance in 52 months rather than 76 months, or cut your payments by two years. And you'll save $874 in interest payments over that time.
6. Sitter Sharing
Potential annual savings: $780
Sheila Lirio Marcelo, CEO of, which helps families find local caregivers, suggests teaming up with neighboring parents to share one babysitter. Although most providers pro-rate their fees according to the number of children they are watching, families that pool together can still save between 20% to 50% off the cost of childcare while they enjoy their weekly date night.

10 Steps to Retire a Millionaire

by Lisa Smith
Having a million-dollar portfolio is a retirement dream for many people. Making that dream come true requires some serious effort. While success is never a sure thing, the 10 steps outlined below will go a long way toward helping you achieve your objective.
1. Set the Goal
Nobody plans to fail, but plenty of people fail to plan. It's a cliché, but it's true. "Plan" is the leading self-help advice from athletes, business moguls and everyday people who have achieved extraordinary goals.
2. Start Saving
If you don't save, you'll never reach your goal. As obvious as this might seems, far too many people never even start to save. If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, enrolling in the plan is a great way to put your savings on autopilot. Simply sign up for the plan and contributions will be automatically taken out of your paycheck, increasing your savings and decreasing your immediate tax liability. If your employer offers to match your contributions up to a certain percentage, be sure to contribute enough to get the full match. It's like getting a guaranteed return on your investment. Finding the cash to stash may be a challenge, particularly when you're young, but don't let that stop you from pursuing future riches.
3. Get Aggressive
Studies have shown that the majority of the returns generated by an investment are dictated by the asset-allocation decision. If you are looking to grow your wealth over time, fixed-income investments aren't likely to get the job done, and inflation can take a big chunk out of your savings. Investing in equities entails more risk, but is also statistically likely to lead to greater returns. For many of us, it's a risk we have to take if want to see our wealth grow. Asset-allocation strategies can help you learn how to make picking the right mix of securities the core of your investing strategy.
4. Prepare for Rainy Days
Part of long-term planning involves accepting the idea that setbacks will occur. If you are not prepared, these setbacks can put a stop to your savings efforts. While you can't avoid all of the bumps in the road, you can prepare in advance to mitigate the damage they can do.
5. Save More
Your income should rise as time passes. You'll get raises, you'll change jobs, and maybe you'll get married and become a two-income family. Every time more cash comes in to your pocket, you should increase the amount that you save. The key to reaching your goal as quickly as possible is to save as much as you can.
6. Watch Your Spending
Vacations, car, kids and all of life's other expenses take a big chunk out of your paycheck. To maximize your savings, you need to minimize your spending. Buying a home you can afford and living a lifestyle that is below your means and not funded by credit cards are all necessities if you want to boost your savings.
7. Monitor Your Portfolio
There's no need to obsess over every movement of the Dow. Instead, check your portfolio once a year. Rebalance your asset allocation to keep on track with your plan.
8. Max Out Your Options
Take advantage of every savings opportunity that comes your way. Make the maximum contribution to tax-deferred savings plans and then open up a taxable account too. Don't let any chance to save get away.
9. Catch-Up Contributions
When you reach age50, you are eligible to increase contributions to tax-deferred savings plans. Take advantage of this opportunity!
10. Have Patience
"Get-rich-quick" schemes are usually just that - schemes. The power of compounding takes time, so invest early, invest often and accept that the road to riches is often long and slow. With that in mind, the sooner you get started, the better your odds of achieving your goals.
The Reality Of Retirement
Retirement might seem far away, but it when it arrives nobody ever complains about having too much money. Some people even question whether a million dollars is enough. That said, with lots of planning and discipline, you can reach your retirement goals and live a comfortable life after work.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

5 Daily Brain Exercises

Many men are devoted to exercise to bulk up their bodies, but the phrase “use it or lose it” applies to more than just the muscles in our bodies -- it also applies to the neural pathways and connections in our brains. There are a variety of exercises and activities that can successfully work each of the brain’s five major cognitive functions on a daily basis. In addition to the tasks you can perform daily, you can also train your brain with HAPPYneuron online brain games and a personalized brain fitness program.Our minds consist of five main cognitive functions:
visual-spatial skills,
and executive function.It’s important to challenge, stimulate and effectively exercise all five areas to stay mentally sharp as our brains age. Here are 5 daily brain exercises that can help you do this.
1- MemoryMemory plays a crucial role in all cognitive activities, including reading, reasoning and mental calculation. There are several types of memory at work in the brain. Taken together, these are the cognitive skills we may notice most when they begin to fail. To maintain a good memory, you need to train for it, which can be easier than you think. Listening to music is not only enjoyable, but by choosing a song you don’t know and memorizing the lyrics, you boost the level of acetylcholine, the chemical that helps build your brain, and improve your memory skills. Challenge yourself even more by showering or getting dressed in the dark or using your opposite hand to brush your teeth. These challenges help build new associations between different neural connections of the brain.
Improve your memory with this HAPPYneuron game.
2- AttentionAttention is necessary in nearly all daily tasks. Good attention enables you to maintain concentration despite noise and distractions and to focus on several activities at once. We can improve our attention by simply changing our routines. Change your route to work or reorganize your desk -- both will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again. As we age, our attention span can decrease, making us more susceptible to distraction and less efficient at multitasking. By combining activities like listening to an audio book with jogging or doing math in your head while you drive forces your brain to work at doing more in the same amount of time.
Improve your attention with this HAPPYneuron game.
3- LanguageLanguage activities will challenge our ability to recognize, remember and understand words. They also exercise our fluency, grammatical skills and vocabulary. With regular practice, you can expand your knowledge of new words and much more easily retrieve words that are familiar. For example, if you usually only thoroughly read the sports section, try reading a few in-depth business articles. You’ll be exposed to new words, which are easier to understand when read in context or easier to look up on a dictionary site if you are reading the news online. Take time to understand the word in its context, which will help you build your language skills and retrieve the word more readily in front of your boss in the future.
Improve your language skills with this HAPPYneuron game.
4- Visual-SpatialWe live in a colorful, three-dimensional world. Analyzing visual information is necessary to be able to act within your environment. To work this cognitive function, try walking into a room and picking out five items and their locations. When you exit the room, try to recall all five items and where they were located. Too easy? Wait two hours and try to remember those items and their locations. The next time you’re waiting on your coworker or friend to arrive, try this mental exercise. Look straight ahead and note everything you can see both in front of you and in your peripheral vision. Challenge yourself to recall everything and write it down. This will force you to use your memory and train your brain to focus on your surroundings.
Improve your visual-spatial skills with this HAPPYneuron game.
5- Executive FunctionWithout even realizing it, you use your logic and reasoning skills on a daily basis to make decisions, build up hypotheses and consider the possible consequences of your actions. Activities in which you must define a strategy to reach a desired outcome and calculate the right moves to reach the solution in the shortest possible time are actually fun activities you do daily -- like social interaction and, yes, video games. Engaging in a brief visit with a friend boosts your intellectual performance by requiring you to consider possible responses and desired outcomes. Video games require strategy and problem-solving to reach a desired outcome -- like making it to the final level. “It’s not just Halo, honey; I’m exercising my executive brain functions!”
Improve your executive function skills with this HAPPYneuron game.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

10 (More) Reasons You're Not Rich

by Jeffrey Strain

Many people assume they aren't rich because they don't earn enough money. If I only earned a little more, I could save and invest better, they say.
The problem with that theory is they were probably making exactly the same argument before their last several raises. Becoming a millionaire has less to do with how much you make, it's how you treat money in your daily life.
The list of reasons you may not be rich doesn't end at 10. Caring what your neighbors think, not being patient, having bad habits, not having goals, not being prepared, trying to make a quick buck, relying on others to handle your money, investing in things you don't understand, being financially afraid and ignoring your finances.
Here are 10 more possible reasons you aren't rich:
You care what your car looks like: A car is a means of transportation to get from one place to another, but many people don't view it that way. Instead, they consider it a reflection of themselves and spend money every two years or so to impress others instead of driving the car for its entire useful life and investing the money saved.
You feel entitlement: If you believe you deserve to live a certain lifestyle, have certain things and spend a certain amount before you have earned to live that way, you will have to borrow money. That large chunk of debt will keep you from building wealth.
You lack diversification: There is a reason one of the oldest pieces of financial advice is to not keep all your eggs in a single basket. Having a diversified investment portfolio makes it much less likely that wealth will suddenly disappear.
You started too late: The magic of compound interest works best over long periods of time. If you find you're always saying there will be time to save and invest in a couple more years, you'll wake up one day to find retirement is just around the corner and there is still nothing in your retirement account.
You don't do what you enjoy: While your job doesn't necessarily need to be your dream job, you need to enjoy it. If you choose a job you don't like just for the money, you'll likely spend all that extra cash trying to relieve the stress of doing work you hate.
You don't like to learn: You may have assumed that once you graduated from college, there was no need to study or learn. That attitude might be enough to get you your first job or keep you employed, but it will never make you rich. A willingness to learn to improve your career and finances are essential if you want to eventually become wealthy.
You buy things you don't use: Take a look around your house, in the closets, basement, attic and garage and see if there are a lot of things you haven't used in the past year. If there are, chances are that all those things you purchased were wasted money that could have been used to increase your net worth.
You don't understand value: You buy things for any number of reasons besides the value that the purchase brings to you. This is not limited to those who feel the need to buy the most expensive items, but can also apply to those who always purchase the cheapest goods. Rarely are either the best value, and it's only when you learn to purchase good value that you have money left over to invest for your future.
Your house is too big: When you buy a house that is bigger than you can afford or need, you end up spending extra money on longer debt payments, increased taxes, higher upkeep and more things to fill it. Some people will try to argue that the increased value of the house makes it a good investment, but the truth is that unless you are willing to downgrade your living standards, which most people are not, it will never be a liquid asset or money that you can ever use and enjoy.
You fail to take advantage of opportunities: There has probably been more than one occasion where you heard about someone who has made it big and thought to yourself, "I could have thought of that." There are plenty of opportunities if you have the will and determination to keep your eyes open.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What This Economy Means for You

by Stephen Gandel and Paul J. Lim

As the most serious credit crisis in decades rocks your finances, you've got to have questions. Here are the answers.
Back in January, when it first became clear the economy and the markets were in for a rough patch, the consensus forecast was that we'd have seen the worst of it by now.
Perhaps you put a bit more cash in the bank, trimmed the fat from your budget and tweaked your 401(k) allocations, but otherwise you were confident you could stay the course.
Then came the extraordinary events of September: the government's seizure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and rescue of American International Group; the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and pending sale of Merrill Lynch; the first money market fund loss in more than a decade; a series of bank fire sales; and a politically charged federal bailout plan that could carry a $700 billion price tag. You can't help but wonder what all this means to you.
Here are some key questions, from when stocks could bounce back to what's ahead for the economy and home prices. Choose a topic to get some answers.
The Economy
How Did We Get Here?
By now you likely know that the crisis in the financial markets is the culmination of years of reckless mortgage lending and Wall Street dealmaking. It's the final gasp of the burst housing bubble. But how exactly did this happen?
To find the root cause of Wall Street's woes, you have to go back to the collapse of a different bubble - tech. In 2001, after the dotcom craze ended and the bear market began, the Federal Reserve started aggressively slashing short-term interest rates to stave off recession. By eventually reducing rates to a historically low 1%, the Fed reinflated the economy. But this cheap money sparked a new wave of risk taking.
Homeowners, armed with easy credit, snapped up properties as if they were playing Monopoly. As prices soared, buyers were able to afford ever-larger properties only by taking out risky mortgages that lenders were happily approving with little documentation or money down.
At the same time, Wall Street investment banks got a brilliant idea: bundle the riskiest of these mortgages, then slice and dice these portfolios into tradable bonds to be sold to other banks and investors. Amazingly, bond-rating agencies slapped their highest ratings on the "best" of this debt.
This house of cards came down when subprime borrowers began defaulting on their mortgages. That sent housing prices tumbling, unleashing a domino effect on mortgage-backed securities. Banks and brokerages that had borrowed money to boost the impact of those investments had to race to raise capital.
Some, like Merrill Lynch, were forced to sell. Others, like Lehman Brothers, weren't so lucky. "What we always tell investors is beware of too much leverage in a company," says Brian Rogers, chairman and portfolio manager for T. Rowe Price. "Leverage is the enemy of the investor."
Sure, everyone from former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan to your friends and neighbors played a role in stoking this casino culture. But troubled banks and brokerages can't pass the blame. "These firms closed their eyes and made very bad bets on risky securities that they didn't truly understand," says Jeremy Siegel, finance professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton business school. "Investments that they did not have to make led to their demise."
How Bad Could the Economy Get?
Before the meltdown, economists fell into two camps: those who thought the economy had already slipped into recession and those who thought a recession could still be avoided.
While forecasters still differ on the timing and severity of a downturn, "the consensus view is that we're headed for recession and will be in one until next year," says Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody's
Corporate profits are already on the verge of falling for a fifth straight quarter, according to Thomson Financial. The next shoe to drop will be consumer spending. "Two years ago, people were using their homes as ATMs, pumping out cash," says Robert Arnott, chairman of the investment consulting firm Research Affiliates in Pasadena. "As banks continue to tighten their lending, that spending is disappearing."
But softer profits and slower spending haven't translated into widespread layoffs yet. "This is the strongest recessionary job market in 40 years," says James Paulsen, chief investment strategist of Wells Capital Management. A jump in unemployment could still be coming, especially given bank and brokerage failures and mergers. But outside of finance and housing, much of the rest of the economy is strong, he says.
The weak dollar is boosting demand for our goods abroad, and lower gas prices are making Americans feel more flush. Add in the cash that the Fed has been hosing into the banking system and we are bound to see growth in 2009. "If all this stimulus has no effect on the economy, that would be a rarity indeed," says Paulsen.
Standard & Poor's chief economist David Wyss expects a mild recession that ends next spring. "Gradually we will regain confidence in the market. Lower oil prices and a falling trade deficit will help," he says. "This is a financial panic, not an economic one."
Of course, that could change if the financial panic doesn't abate soon. If banks remain too scared or broke to lend, would-be home buyers will be frozen out of the market. If that happens, home values could fall even more, crimping confidence and putting the brakes on the economy's greatest engine: the consumer.
Does All This Mean I'll Pay Higher Taxes?
Yes. "Taxes will rise regardless of who wins the Presidency," predicts Greg Valliere, chief political strategist for Stanford Group Co.
It's impossible to say what the final bill for rescuing Wall Street will be. Even before the bill to buy $700 billion of unwanted mortgage-backed debt, the government had already signed on for nearly $365 billion in loan guarantees and other costs.
The eventual price tag will depend in part on the housing market. If it recovers by 2010, the value of mortgage-backed securities could rise, minimizing the tab for taxpayers, says Brian Bethune, chief U.S. financial economist for Global Insight.
"On the other hand," Bethune adds, "if the economy continues to tank into a deeper recession, dragging the housing market along with it, then the costs to the taxpayers easily could escalate to several hundred billions of dollars."
Under Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's original debt-buyback proposal, some economists predicted the federal deficit could soar to $900 billion in 2009. Even without a bailout, the federal budget was expected to hit $482 billion next year. If government aid pads that figure by $200 billion, the deficit will be back to where it stood in the 1980s - around 5% of GDP. At the very least, that will make it hard for a future President to keep tax-cut promises.
The Stock Market
When Will Stocks Bounce Back?
Don't expect an immediate rebound. "Investors shouldn't get overly enthusiastic," says Jean-Marie Eveillard, portfolio manager for the First Eagle Funds. Why? Even if Washington gets its act together, the economy will remain a drag. "In a time of slow growth, profits will not be that great," Eveillard says.
Remember too that a massive government rescue plan could have unintended consequences. If the budget deficit were to balloon - as many economists assume it would - that could further weaken the dollar, which would lead to another bout of inflation fears.
Rising inflation and a falling dollar, in turn, would likely boost market interest rates, since it will take a big carrot to entice foreign investors to buy U.S. bonds. When rates are on the rise, investors typically aren't willing to pay up for stocks in the form of higher price/earnings ratios.
Economists are predicting that a recession could last through next spring or even the fall. Does this mean stocks will languish that entire time? No. Equities have a knack for rallying in anticipation of an eventual recovery. So a stock market rebound could take place sometime in the first half of 2009. Until then, don't hold your breath.
If the Outlook Is So Bad, Why Not Dump Stocks?
Selling stocks after they've sunk to a three-year low in hopes of buying them back after they're trading at higher prices is a surefire recipe for losing your shirt.
While it's understandable to want to flee, Bohemia, N.Y. financial planner Ronald Rogé suggests taking a cue from Warren Buffett. "Here's the smartest guy on the block, and his firm, Berkshire Hathaway, is down like most other stocks this year." But instead of looking to sell, Buffett is buying. Recently he agreed to plow $5 billion into Goldman Sachs.
Still have the urge to purge your portfolio? Consider this: So far this year, fund investors have yanked more money out of their stock funds than they've put in, marking only the third time in recent memory this has happened. The other two times? In 2002, just before a five-year bull market, and 1988, the start of a 12-year bull.
"If you leave the market now entirely, you probably won't make it back in time to enjoy the recovery," says Torrance, Calif. financial planner Phillip Cook. According to Standard & Poor's, equities typically recoup a third of what they lost in a bear market in the first 40 days of a new bull.
Are Stocks Still Best for the Long Run?
If you've been a stock investor over the past decade, you probably feel like the mythical Sisyphus: You've been trying to roll your portfolio up the hill, only to see the market keep batting it back down. Stocks are trading lower than they were at the start of 2000. Even boring bonds have beaten equities during this time.
But disappointing performance doesn't erase the case for stocks. Over the long term (meaning more than a decade), equities give you something fixed-income investments can't: a share of growth. The benefit of owning a stake in a company - as the Treasury Department, no doubt, understands with the majority position it is taking in exchange for helping AIG - is that you get to share in the earnings of the firm. And because stock prices, over time, reflect corporate profit growth, you're likely to far outpace the long-term rate of inflation.
If your faith in stocks is still wavering, consider the last time they performed so poorly: the 1930s. "What if you concluded then that stocks weren't the best place to be?" says Alan Skrainka, chief market strategist for Edward Jones. "You'd have missed out on decades of bull markets."
Your Savings
Are There Any Safe Havens Left?
It sure doesn't feel like it. Even conservative investments - like ultrashort- term bond funds and a single money market fund - have lost value recently. But rest assured, your cash accounts are still extremely safe. To shore up confidence in money-market mutual funds after a prominent portfolio "broke the buck," the Treasury Department launched an insurance plan to guarantee their value.
What's more, bank money-market accounts and CDs are as protected as ever. While it's certainly hard to tell which banks will eventually survive this financial meltdown, your accounts are FDIC-insured.
Finally, if you're looking for a safe option within your 401(k), consider a stable value fund. These portfolios often invest in a diversified mix of short- to intermediate- term bonds that are backed by different insurers. Plus, they've been yielding around 4% lately.
Is My Bank or Brokerage Going to Disappear?
Even with the government stepping in to buy up the crummy mortgage-backed securities that are endangering the health of so many banks and brokers, this relief won't be immediate. It may take weeks for the Treasury Department to put together a team to evaluate these bonds. In the meantime, more banks and brokers could go under or be forced to sell out to healthier firms.
Still, the tally of failed banks is unlikely to come close to the number we saw in the savings and loan crisis. Between 1986 and 1995, 1,043 thrifts went under (though many of them were tiny). So far this year, only 13 banks and savings and loans have failed, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. That includes Washington Mutual, the nation's largest S&L, which was shut down before its deposits were sold to J.P. Morgan Chase.
Regardless of what the final tally is, it's important to keep in mind that your bank deposits are for the most part safe. Deposits up to $250,000 per person per institution and $500,000 for joint accounts will be protected by the FDIC (The FDIC temporarily raised the limits from $100,000 and $200,000 respectively through December 30, 2009.). Some retirement accounts are covered up to $250,000.
Investment banks and brokerages have also come under pressure. Here too you are mostly protected. Unlike commercial banks, which use your deposits to lend to other customers, brokerages are supposed to segregate your assets from theirs. So if you own 1,000 shares of General Electric and your brokerage collapses, your 1,000 shares of GE should still be there and will most likely be transferred to another broker on your behalf.
If for any reason your failed broker can't locate your securities, up to $500,000 of your assets per account is covered by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, a nonprofit funded by member firms. With a few exceptions, SIPC limits its safety net to SEC-registered investments. So while your stocks, bonds and mutual funds will be covered, foreign currency, precious metals and commodity futures contracts won't be.

What Would Happen If My Insurer Went Under?
You may have wondered that very thing before the federal government stepped in with an $85 billion loan guarantee to save American International Group from bankruptcy. Since then no other large insurance company appears to be in similar peril. That's because few insure mortgage bonds, the business that contributed to AIG's problems.
In the event that your insurer goes belly up, you have protections. If you have an outstanding claim when your insurer fails, a state guaranty fund will cover it. The rules vary, but funds typically pay up to $300,000 in claims on most policies.
In nearly all states, disability payouts have no caps. With a variable annuity, you are completely protected because you're investing in mutual-fund-like separate accounts held in your name, and insurance companies can't touch those assets when they liquidate.
If you have yet to collect on your insurance policy, will you face any coverage gaps? With life insurance, you shouldn't lose coverage: In past failures, regulators have moved policies of failed insurers to healthy ones. For most other types of insurance, you'll have 30 days to find another insurer. And if you have paid in advance for, say, a year's worth of homeowners insurance, you can apply for a refund from your state insurance fund.
The Real Estate Market
Is There Any Hope for Home Prices?
The burst real estate bubble that kicked off this crisis is unlikely to reinflate quickly. "I don't see the slump in housing prices ending anytime soon," says Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic Policy and Research. The government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lowered mortgage rates briefly (which helps buyers afford your home).
But the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the failure of Washington Mutual and the sale of Wachovia, as well as the stock market sell-off, have made investors nervous about everything, mortgage bonds included. And that has pushed home-loan rates right back up.
The proposed government bailout could help home prices if the banks that get relief turn around and make new loans, but it's not clear that they will. More important, housing prices are not just a factor of mortgage rates. Foreclosures and slow sales have left 4-million-plus homes on the market, nearly half a million more than two years ago. That could get worse before it gets better if rising unemployment translates to fewer buyers to work off that fat inventory.
"In the long run none of what we're doing now is going to matter that much to real estate," says Wellesley economics professor Karl Case. "Home prices have to do with the scarcity of land and perception of that scarcity."
Until homes for sale are again scarce, it will continue to be better to be a buyer than a seller. Most economists expect another 10% drop in housing prices nationally over the next year. Some, like Nouriel Roubini of New York University, say a 15% to 20% drop is more likely.
The Credit Market

How Tough Is It Really to Get a Loan Today?
For months you've likely been hearing about (or even experiencing) tight credit: frozen home-equity lines of credit, lower credit-card limits, tougher loan standards. That could be just the beginning. One reason regulators have been so anxious to step in during this crisis is the fear that consumer and business borrowing will be shut off altogether.
For now, though, many people are still able to get loans. "If you have good credit, job stability and low debt, there is a good likelihood that you will get a mortgage," says Marc Savitt, president of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers.
In general you'll need a 660 credit score and a 10% down payment to qualify for a loan. Another important criterion is how much of your monthly income goes to repaying all your debts. Today lenders want you to cap that at 41% of your income.
Getting a small business loan is similarly tough. But if you can borrow and have the itch to strike out on your own, small business experts say economic downturns can be a good time to start a venture. In bad times, you may find better deals on, say, advertising and office space. And some of the land mines are more apparent.
"When existing companies are stumbling, it's more obvious what mistakes are to be avoided," says Bob Chalfin, a Metuchen, N.J. small business adviser and a lecturer at the Wharton business school. "When there is change, there is opportunity."
The Job Market
How Safe Is My Job?
If you are an investment banker, you already know the answer. If you work in most other fields, you're likely nervous but not panic-stricken. In the past year the U.S. economy has shed just over 550,000 jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but most of the layoffs have come in home building, the auto industry and financial services. Take those three industries out of the equation and our economy has created 90,000 jobs.
"Companies are continuing to add executive positions even as the market slows," says Mark Anderson, president of ExecuNet, a Norwalk, Conn. firm that tracks management hiring.
The recent financial turmoil could make the jobs outlook tougher, and not just for Wall Street types. If business lending stays choked off, hiring will suffer. In a deeper recession, some economists predict more than 1 million jobs will be lost in 2009.
Now is the time to make sure your emergency fund is in place. Three months of expenses is standard, but if you are in an at-risk industry, sock away enough for six months to a year.
At work, lower your chances of being the first out the door by making yourself valuable - and conspicuous. This may be the time to reconsider your flexible schedule. Demonstrate that you can find ways to bring in revenue and cut costs, don't be afraid to point out the good job you and your team are doing and, to be safe, step up your networking, both inside and outside your company.
Your Retirement
Will I Ever Be Able to Retire?
If you have several years, if not decades, to go, don't worry. Yes, your 401(k) and IRAs have taken a significant hit. But history shows that you'll make up 80% of your bear market losses within the first year of the recovery, according to Standard & Poor's Equity Research.
If you're planning to retire in the next few years, the answer is still yes, with a bit of effort. Why? The decade before you quit your job and the first five years that you're out of the work force are vulnerable times. How much your investments earn - or lose - during this time will go a long way toward determining how much money you can afford to spend for the following 30 years or more.
Say you planned to quit this year and begin withdrawing 4% of your retirement funds annually. If you started with a $1 million retirement portfolio last year (split 70% stocks, 30% bonds), the market has already cut that down to $833,000. That means if you pulled 4% of your remaining money out, you'd be left with just under $800,000 after Year One, cutting your odds of having your money last 30 years from nearly 80% to less than 50%.
Sounds scary. But you can fix this problem. For starters, pledge to work one more year. A study from T. Rowe Price found that putting in another 365 days at the job would boost your annual retirement income by 7%. Work three years more and your retirement income could soar by 22%.
By staying at your desk longer, you can also delay taking Social Security benefits. For each year you put off starting your benefits between ages 62 and 70, you boost your Social Security payments by 8%.
What if you don't want to - or can't - work longer? You still have an option: spend less. The traditional advice is to withdraw 4% of your assets in the first year of retirement and boost subsequent withdrawals by the inflation rate. But in this type of market, consider withholding your inflation adjustments for the first three years after you retire. T. Rowe Price found that a retiree with a 55% stock/45% bond allocation in 2000 would have cut his odds of running out of money by half simply by following this approach.
What Should I Be Doing With My Portfolio?
Every long-term investor has to face nerve-rattling times like this - likely more than once - and your success will hinge on your ability to keep a cooler head than many others around you.
If you own a diversified portfolio, your asset-allocation strategy has probably protected you from the worst of the storm. While the S&P 500 has lost more than a quarter of its value over the past year, a portfolio consisting of 70% stocks and 30% bonds has fallen around 17%, thanks to the gains fixed-income funds enjoyed.
Still, markets like this are a good time to check if your asset-allocation strategy is still appropriate for your time horizon and if you need to rebalance. You'll likely find that you own too big a stake in bonds - or at least more than you bargained for.
Let's go back to that portfolio of 70% stocks and 30% bonds. If you hadn't traded in the past year, the market would have shifted your mix to 62% stocks and 38% fixed income. That might feel good now because bonds are less volatile, but it will mean that you will lose out on the higher returns on stocks when the market eventually recovers.
If you're selling bonds to add to stocks, what's safe to buy? It's fair to assume that the government's efforts to bail out Wall Street will add to our national debt, which will likely push up interest rates. Basic-materials stocks tend to do well when rates rise. So consider T. Rowe Price New Era, which owns energy and mining stocks. New Era is a member of the Money 70, our list of recommended funds and ETFs.
Also, beef up your blue chips. As Lehman and WaMu shareholders learned, not every large company can weather tough times. But as a whole, the category clearly can. The Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) is the safest way to invest in the largest American companies.
Another sound option is the Fairholme fund (FAIRX). The managers of this Money 70 fund follow the Warren Buffett school of investing. They buy a stock only if it's trading well below its intrinsic value - perhaps a richly populated universe after this market meltdown.
If you see that the bond portion of your portfolio is underperforming, consider Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), one of the few types of bonds that can do well when rates rise.
I'm Retired. What Does This Mean for Me?
If you're living off a collection of dividend-paying stocks, it may feel as if you've been hit by the perfect storm. Not only have financial stocks, which generate around a quarter of all the dividends produced by the S&P 500, taken a huge beating - they've sunk nearly 45% since the start of this bear - but 30 blue-chip financial firms have cut their dividends.
Worse still, not all of the income you'll receive this year will be eligible for the beneficial 15% tax rate. For dividends to qualify for the rate, the company that issues them must pay taxes on them. And since many banks and brokers are reporting huge losses, they may not owe a penny to Uncle Sam this year.
As long as you diversify among different stocks as well as different sectors, dividend investing still has a lot of appeal. One strategy that's holding up, relatively speaking: Instead of focusing on companies with the highest yields - which could simply be a sign that a payer's share price has tanked or the dividend is at risk - concentrate on companies that are consistently growing their payouts over time. By doing so, the Vanguard Dividend Growth fund (VDIGX) has kept its exposure to the financial sector to only around 11%, and the fund is down just 10% so far this year, about half what the overall market has lost.
In the wake of the near failure of AIG, another worry for retirees is whether to buy an immediate annuity. In exchange for handing over a lump sum of money to an insurer, you get monthly or annual payments guaranteed for life with one of these policies. In this environment, it's hard enough to have faith that your financial institution will be around for the next three months, let alone three decades.
But bear in mind that no major insurer has failed in this meltdown. Even though AIG required $85 billion in loan guarantees to stay in business, it was the parent company that needed the help - not its insurance subsidiary.
In the event your insurer does fail, your state's life and health insurance guaranty association will attempt to find another carrier to take over the failed firm's contracts. If that can't be done, state guaranty funds will cover at least $100,000 in benefits (around 20 states cover more).
There is one reason to hold off awhile before you enter a new contract: Rating agencies like A.M. Best, Moody's, Fitch and Standard & Poor's are likely to re-assess the financial health of insurers in the wake of the financial crisis. Wait to see which insurers maintain the highest ratings.
How Will I Know When Things Are Recovering?
An oft-quoted Warren Buffett bit of wisdom goes that the stock market is designed to transfer money from the active to the patient. Keep that in mind when you wonder when this crisis is over for good.
Let's remember what this crisis is all about. It's not just about problems with bad mortgages and toxic mortgage-backed bonds. "That's just the tip of the iceberg," says Charles de Vaulx, portfolio manager for International Value Advisers. The reason that we're still stuck in a bear market and that loans are hard to come by is the ongoing crisis in confidence in the financial system that greases the wheels of the economy. It may take months, if not longer, for the markets to get enough courage to overcome this.
Whether you're an investor or a would-be borrower looking for a sign of better days to come, pay attention to the so-called overnight London Interbank offered rate. Libor is a rate banks charge one another. The lower it is, the greater the likelihood that banks are willing to lend freely - and the sooner this credit crisis may be over.
Historically, Libor has run fairly close to the federal funds rate, which the Fed is currently targeting at 2%. But lately the overnight Libor has fluctuated between around 3% and 6%, an indication that banks still perceive a great deal of risk in the market.
In the short run, that's not great news for investors or consumers waiting for banks to start lending again. In the long run, however, the fact that banks are starting to consider risk isn't necessarily bad. After all, says Steven Romick, manager of the FPA Crescent Fund, "the reason we're in this mess is that financial institutions tried to make money without any regard to the concept of risk."

Friday, October 10, 2008

Betting Your Retirement on Your Start-Up

by David S. Joachim (The New York Times)

With small-business loans and second mortgages scarce these days, some middle-age entrepreneurs are starting companies using their retirement savings, a novel financing method that they say avoids loan payments and early withdrawal penalties.
These business owners are effectively treating their start-up ventures as any other stock in their 401(k) portfolio, and in the process they are providing seed capital for their own budding enterprises. In some cases they are even paying themselves a salary as their businesses start generating cash.
It’s a risky strategy, one that has business owners essentially betting their retirement on their company. But beyond that, it is a controversial, considering that the same person is serving as financier, chief executive and salaried employee. And because it is all being fueled by pretax retirement dollars, the tax consequences are unclear.
But that has not stopped several advisory firms and hundreds of their clients from promoting it as the ultimate start-up strategy that, during a widespread market crisis, lets you invest in the one thing you have control over: yourself.
With credit tighter than it has been in decades, “a banker friend told me that I’d have more luck robbing a bank than borrowing from one,” said George Richards of Providence, R.I., who used the retirement financing tactic to invest the $150,000 he had in his Individual Retirement Account to buy a liquor store near Brown University.
Mr. Richards, 46, turned his back on the corporate world after AT&T cut his engineering job three years ago and he found himself in what he described as a dreadful job as a mortgage broker. He decided to take “an undervalued grungy little college liquor store and make it a fun place.”
Now, he added, “I’m creating an asset I want to be a part of, instead of just stumbling along on a career path at some big company.”
John Mickey of Chicago came upon the retirement-financing idea last spring as he sought to become an independent businessman for the first time by buying a franchise after about 20 years working for big companies. He zeroed in on Adventures in Advertising, a company in Neenah, Wis., that makes promotional items like pens, coffee mugs and golf balls imprinted with company logos.
He needed $30,000 to buy the franchise rights, but with no track record as a business owner, he knew he could not get a small-business loan from a bank. A home equity loan was also not an option, because he had not owned his home long enough to build much equity.
So his franchise consultant suggested that he look to his 401(k) retirement accounts, worth about $160,000 combined. That gave him several options. He could simply cash out some of the balance, but at age 46 he would have paid a hefty penalty tax for early withdrawal. Or he could borrow against his holdings, but that would have saddled his young company with the overhead of monthly payments.
“I didn’t want to have a loan to pay off, and I didn’t want to be taxed up the wazoo for cashing out the 401(k),” he said.
That led him to BeneTrends of North Wales, Pa., one of the leading promoters of 401(k) start-up financing, which walked him through the process.
First he would start a C corporation, a designation that allows a company to issue private shares of stock. Then he would create a profit-sharing retirement plan within his corporation, making it eligible to accept pretax retirement contributions. Finally, he would roll over about half of his retirement savings, roughly $80,000, from his 401(k) into the profit-sharing plan.
As a result, the profit-sharing plan could buy the franchise rights and also provide working capital for his business.
Since July he has landed about eight clients. Adventures in Advertising processes the orders and takes a fee of 6 to 10 percent. He paid BeneTrends about $5,000 for its services.
His company, Burly Bear Promotions, pays him a salary of about $100,000 a year.
The tactic that Mr. Richards and Mr. Mickey used to start their companies is so novel that many business analysts, tax experts and even Internal Revenue Service officials said they had never heard of it.
One such expert, Edgar Adkins, a partner in the national tax office at Grant Thornton who specializes in compensation and benefits, said, “It’s an interesting concept.”
At first glance, Mr. Adkins said, the trickiest part would be to make sure that the start-up company complies with a federal tax rule governing company-sponsored retirement plans. For such a plan to qualify for tax-deferred contributions and a tax deduction for the company, he said, it must be used for the “exclusive benefit” of employees and not primarily to benefit the company.
He also warned against taking a sizable salary out of the company. “Any tax deductions for corporations, for any expense like a salary, has to be an ‘ordinary and reasonable’ amount,” he said. “When you pay compensation, particularly when it’s going to the owner, the I.R.S. looks closely at what’s reasonable. The I.R.S. suspicion is that you are paying yourself a disguised dividend.”
The difference is that a dividend is subject to a corporate tax and another tax after it is paid to an investor. A salary, by contrast, is taxed as ordinary income, but the company can take a tax deduction, Mr. Adkins said.
The I.R.S. said it could not comment about retirement financing. But a spokesman, Dean Patterson, said in an e-mail message: “We are looking at these types of transactions because they raise complex tax and benefit issues. Before entering into any tax arrangement, the I.R.S. always reminds taxpayers that they should discuss it with a trusted tax professional.”
The advisory firms that advocate retirement financing, including BeneTrends, SD Cooper and Guidant Financial, say they can shelter most of the profits from taxes by turning them back into retirement contributions, thus replenishing the initial retirement cash and deferring taxes. They also say that companies started in this way are more likely to survive the tough-going early years, because they are not weighed down by debt.
It is always risky to bet your retirement on one company, big or small. But Mr. Richards, the liquor store owner, said he was comfortable with that risk.
“I would bet on myself and my abilities any day,” he said. “I don’t know who I’d rather bet on than me.”

Switching to Cash May Feel Safe, but Risks Remain


It’s a question we’ve all asked in our darker moments of late: Why not just put all of our investments in cash, 100 percent, just for a little while, until things calm down?
Some people already seem to be acting on that instinct. In the first six days of October (through Monday), investors pulled $19 billion out of mutual funds that invest in United States stocks, matching the outflows for the entire month of September, according to TrimTabs Investment Research.
“What clients are looking for is safety,” said John Bunch, president of retail distribution at TD Ameritrade. “They are seeking solutions that are backed by the federal government. Specifically, F.D.I.C-insured money funds and certificates of deposit. All of it is under the umbrella of, ‘Am I safe and insured?’ ”
By fleeing for the comfort of safe and insured, however, investors with a time horizon beyond a few years may be doing real damage to their long-term finances. If you’re tempted to make a big move to cash right now, you’re doing something called market timing. It’s an implied statement that you’ve figured out the right moment to get out of stocks — and will also know the right time to get back in.
So let’s dispense with the first part straightaway. The right time to move out of stocks was a year or so ago, before various stock indexes the world over fell by one-third or more.
If you missed that opportunity, you’re hardly alone.
But if you sell now, you’ll be locking in your losses. And once you’re in cash, there isn’t much upside. In fact, with interest rates low, you’re likely to lose money in cash, because inflation will probably eat up the after-tax returns you earn from a savings or money-market account.
A guarantee of a small loss may sound good right now. But if you’re not bailing out of stocks once and for all, how will you know when it’s time to get back in? The fact is, any peace of mind you gain by being on the sidelines now will turn into a migraine once you see how much you can harm your portfolio over time by missing just a bit of any rebound.
H. Nejat Seyhun, a professor of finance at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, put together a study in 2005 for Towneley Capital Management, where he tested the long-term damage that investors could do to their portfolios if they missed out on the small percentage of days when the stock market experienced big gains.
From 1963 to 2004, the index of American stocks he tested gained 10.84 percent annually in a geometric average, which avoided overstating the true performance. For people who missed the 90 biggest-gaining days in that period, however, the annual return fell to just 3.2 percent. Less than 1 percent of the trading days accounted for 96 percent of the market gains.
This fall, Javier Estrada, a professor of finance at IESE Business School in Barcelona, published a similar study in The Journal of Investing that looked at equity markets in 15 nations, including the United States. A portfolio belonging to an investor who missed the 10 best days over several decades across all of those markets would end up, on average, with about half the balance of someone who sat tight throughout.
So moving to cash right now is just fine as long as you know precisely when to get back into stocks (even though you didn’t know when to get out of them).
At some point, stocks will indeed fall enough that investors will remove the money from their mattresses and put it to work, causing prices to rise significantly. But, as Bonnie A. Hughes, a certified financial planner with the Enrichment Group in Miami, put it to me, there won’t be an e-mail message or news release that goes out when this is about to happen. It will be evident only afterward, on the few days when the market surges.
And it gets worse for those who think they won’t have any trouble investing in stocks again later. Medium- or long-term investors who are considering a big move into cash right now are probably making an emotional decision, at least in part. For those who follow through, the same instincts will probably hurt when trying to figure out when to reinvest in stocks.
“The emotional forces that drove them out of the market aren’t likely to let them back in ‘until things are better,’ ” Dan Danford of the Family Investment Center in St. Joseph, Mo., said in an e-mail message. “And for most people, things won’t feel better again until the market has already moved back up.” In fact, he added, plenty of people may not allow themselves to get back in until the market has already risen significantly.
That situation is worth considering if you think your mood, or returns, can’t get any worse. “People feel worse missing out on the bounce-back that will inevitably come than they do hanging in there through the down period,” said Elaine D. Scoggins, a certified financial planner with Merriman Berkman Next in Seattle.
The truly downbeat do not see the bounce as inevitable. This outlook is essentially a bet that our current predicament is so different that the equity markets won’t bounce back at all, even though they survived 1929, the Great Depression, 1987 and a major terrorist attack. I do not believe that the markets are in some kind of permanent decline, and I haven’t found an expert who does.
That said, some retirees, or those close to leaving the work force, may be well-off enough to leave stocks behind for now. If the tumult in the economy and the decline in the markets have altered your risk tolerance, then it may make sense to move to a portfolio of Treasury bills, certificates of deposit and money market funds.
Michael G. Coli, 56, of Crystal Lake, Ill., decided to take his 401(k) money out of the market in February. As an investor in his sons’ pizza restaurants, he noticed that an increasing number of customers were relying on credit cards. And as the owner of a winter home in Naples, Fla., he witnessed the housing market dive. Taken together, he decided to pull his retirement money, which he would need in five years, from the Vanguard Balanced Index Fund and move it all into certificates of deposit.
“I had the feeling the economy was not on real firm ground,” Mr. Coli said. “I decided to get out and put it all in C.D.’s, and that is where I’ve been ever since.”
If you can’t afford to live off the proceeds of cash investments (or dividends from your investment in your kids’ pizza joints), you may have no choice but to hold on to whatever stocks you have left. Then, you can hope for a rebound that will allow you to live out your later years more comfortably. Selling now and moving to cash could mean guaranteeing a lower standard of living for the rest of your life, because you’d be locking in your losses.
But if you’re a bit younger, try to think of your investment portfolio in the same way you consider the value of your home, if you own one. After all, if you’re not moving anytime soon, your home is a long-term investment, too.
“Today’s price is not your price. Your price is 10 or 20 years from now,” said Thomas A. Orecchio, of Greenbaum & Orecchio, a wealth management firm in Old Tappan, N.J. “Unfortunately, stock market investors don’t always see things that way.”

Your Money: Keeping It Safe

by Money Magazine Staff
Scared yet? The Dow Jones industrials suffered a decline of more than 875 points on Monday and Tuesday, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke predicted that the global financial markets crisis is likely to restrain the economy well into next year.
Americans' retirement plans have lost as much as $2 trillion in the past 15 months, according to Congress' top budget analyst.
It's okay to feel the fear. But it's not okay to react to it. Panicking and making big changes in your accounts is likely to do a heck of a lot more damage than a recession ever could.
Sticking to some tried-and-true principles can help you get through the bad times with your sanity and your savings intact.
"Don't panic, stay the course," said Allan Roth, a financial planner in Colorado Springs. "If you can't be right at least be consistent. We're allowed to feel the emotions, but how we react to them is going to be far more important than any short-term swings."
An Early Start
If you're just starting to think about saving for retirement, don't delay. Despite the upheaval of the past few months — and the past few weeks in particular — it would be a mistake for someone in their 20s or 30s to hold off on investing now.
The key here is the long-term prospects for stocks. Ultimately, stock values hinge on the productivity of U.S. workers and the earnings power of American companies. And it's not as if those engines of long-term growth are about to disappear.
The country may need some time to work through the detritus of the housing bubble and lending excesses. And stock returns could very well be anemic as that happens. But history shows that some of the best long-term gains go to investors willing to buy stocks when they're reviled, as in the years following major setbacks like the 1929 crash and the 1973-1974 bear market.
Of course, the long view may not seem particularly relevant to you at the moment. But remember: the money that you contribute to accounts such as a 401(k) is going to be invested for many years.
The real question isn't whether you should be contributing to a 401(k). It's how you should be investing the money you contribute, as well as the money that's already there.
If you're in your 20's or 30s, you still want most of your 401(k) money in stocks, say between 80% and 90%. That may be a tough sell emotionally in these uncertain times. But the important thing isn't what your 401(k) is worth over the next few years — it's what its value will be in 2040 and beyond.
Even if you're older, you should still think of the money you're contributing now as a long-term investment. But you also need to give some consideration to preserving the assets you've already accumulated.
That means dialing back your stock exposure somewhat, although you don't want to hunker down completely in bonds and cash. Lightening up on stocks will give you more short-term stability. But if you get too conservative, you run the risk of stunting the eventual size of your nest egg — and your lifestyle in retirement.
But before you go tinkering around with your portfolio, keep in mind that while bear markets can hurt a portfolio, how you react to downturns can make matters worse, said Roth. He points out that investing in stocks when they're hot and then running to bonds when they're not has a name: performance chasing.
"When you move in and out, you're actually increasing risk while decreasing your returns," Roth said. Over time, market timing can cost investors around 1.5% a year in returns, according to Roth.
'The Danger Years'
The decade before you quit the work force, along with the five years immediately after, is the most sensitive period in an entire lifetime of retirement planning. The saving, investment and career decisions you make during this time will dictate in a major way whether you'll spend the next 30 to 40 years enjoying the life you've always looked forward to or eating the early-bird special at Denny's.
"It's natural to have a queasy feeling at this time in your life, wondering if your retirement will happen as planned," says Joseph Chadwick of the Longevity Alliance, a financial services firm that specializes in retirement products. "But there's no need to panic."
Stocks held for the long term can be counted on to bounce back eventually. But if you need to sell shares just as they're dropping in value — exactly the scenario many newly minted retirees have faced recently — you run a sharply higher risk that your money will someday run out. That's because when the market does recover, you'll have less money invested to benefit from renewed growth.
Fortunately, there's a minor tweak that can dramatically cut your risk.
Typically, to ensure your nest egg lasts as long as you do, you should withdraw no more than 4% of your savings for living expenses in your first year of retirement. In year two, you might take a little more to account for inflation.
The bear-market adjustment? Give up on the inflation increase until stocks recover.
A study by T. Rowe Price concludes that this simple step cuts the odds of running out of money over a 30-year period in half, from 22% to 11%, on a sample portfolio invested 55% in stocks and 45% in bonds.
Worried that forgoing your inflation raise will bust your budget? Pull a Brett Favre and go back to work part time to make up the "lost" income. You probably won't need to put in more than a few hours a week — a 3% increase on a $75,000 annual withdrawal equals only $200 a month.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Early Retirement Is Not Just A Daydream

Anna Vander Broek

Imagine living a life in which your suit is one for swimming, your only appointment is walking the dog and the most important report of the day is on the Weather Channel.
Actually, this life isn't that hard to picture because this is how many American's view their retirement.
Now imagine living this life before turning 50.
It may sound fantastical, but there are ways to retire young without winning the lottery or having valuable options to cash out. Savvy investing, smart spending and very strict saving can pave the road for the average American to find a way to live out the dream of early retirement.
When planning for early retirement, you must first understand just how much money you are going to need. If you retire at age 50, you could very well have another 35 years or more left to live. Americans in their 20s probably won't have Social Security or pension plans to lean on.
"Your portfolio will have to finance everything," emphasizes Alyce Zollman, a financial adviser with Charles Schwab (nasdaq: SCHW - news - people ).
In Pictures: 15 Ways To Retire Early
To understand how much money you'll need after you say good bye to your nine-to-five, take your pre-retirement income and multiple it by 35 (assuming you'll live to age 85). For example, if you are living off $100,000 now, you'll need about $3,500,000 when you retire. Not a small sum.
Saving is essential for most people who want to retire early. Max out your 401(k) and consider an IRA. Put money into safe, long-term investments, and don't gamble on the stock market.
To retire in your younger years, you'll have to work for it in your much younger years. In order to retire young without an income of hundreds of thousands of dollars, you'll have to live below your means, not within your means--and it's not going to be fun.
Don't buy a new car--or even own a car--or designer brands. Skip eating out, smoking cigarettes and traveling. Even consider lifestyle decisions like not having children or only marrying someone with your same financial goals.
If being painfully frugal isn't your ideal way of life during your youth, you could start your own business, which is one way to manage early retirement. Hire someone else to run the company while you kick back and relax--still bringing in cash. Even if it's a small sum, if you're able to continue "earning" your spending money even after you're done working, your savings will stretch farther. However, there are never any guarantees in business. It may be difficult to predict how successful your idea will be and, if it is, how long that success will last.
Not everyone has entrepreneurial instincts. Instead, live out that childhood dream of becoming a firefighter. Many government jobs still offer pensions that usually continue to pay a percent of your wages after retirement and, in many cases, kick in after just 10 to 20 years of service.
Unfortunately, as you grow older, your body does too, which greatly increases your chances of incurring health expenses. If you're not working, it's up to you to pay for poor health. Zollman explains that a couple looking to retire at age 65 would need to spend about $200,000 during their retirement on health care costs. Even this estimate is considered conservative. "It's vital to make sure you understand all of the potential challenges that could occur over a 40 or 50 year retirement," she says.
Your chances of pulling a Mark Zuckerberg, the 24-year-old who created the networking Web site Facebook and is now worth $1.5 billion, are slim. And many of us are not ready to join the police force for a pension plan.
So, if you want security after the checks stop coming, emulate oilman John D. Rockefeller and start being prudent. Albeit a billionaire, Rockefeller carried around a little red book and wrote down every single thing he spent his money on. You may have a lot to save before you can say good bye to the working world, but at least it's a start.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Is Your Money Safe?

by Ron Lieber and Tara Siegel Bernard

For all of you on Main Street who have been watching the turmoil on Wall Street for the last few weeks, Monday's shockwaves rattled even the most steadfast.
The day began with the announcement that another big bank -- Wachovia -- had been taken over, just days after Washington Mutual collapsed and was sold. In early afternoon, the House rejected the bailout package for the financial industry. Stocks plunged, with the Dow ending the day down nearly 778 points in the worst single-day drop in two decades.
What is a regular investor to make of it all? What about people who have money in bank accounts? Below are some answers to questions that are probably on your mind.
Q. Why did the stock market fall so far so fast on Monday?
A. The element of surprise surely didn't help, since everyone was expecting the bailout bill to pass. There may have been a bit of investor disgust thrown in, too, a sense that our representatives in Washington just don't get it.
Fear may be the biggest driver, however -- the worry that it may be weeks or longer before companies can get the affordable, short-term loans they need to finance their operations. Without easy access to that money, it's hard to run a profit-making operation on a day-to-day basis, let alone grow over the long haul. The professional investors who often drive big market moves don't want to hold onto stocks to see if things will really get that bad.
Q. What's likely to happen in the markets over the next few days?
A. It's possible that Monday's market moves will spook members of the House of Representatives enough that they will be willing to change their votes with only a modest amount of compromise. Or, there may be hasty efforts to write a new bill from scratch. This will take days, however, not hours, since Tuesday is the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana. Stocks may rebound, at least somewhat, if another similar bill emerges. But much will depend on the revisions.
Q. Is any investment truly safe right now?
A. As long as you trust the United States government, sure. Plenty of banks, like HSBC Direct and Capital One are offering online savings accounts paying more than 3 percent. These accounts have all the normal Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation protections of at least $100,000. Also, the Treasury Department is currently insuring investors who had holdings in money market mutual funds as of Sept. 19, as long as the fund company pays to participate.
Q. What about Treasury bills?
A. Treasuries are issued and backed by the United States government. But since throngs of investors have rushed into these investments, it has pushed their yields down. Way down. Some Treasuries, with maturities in the one-week to three-month range, are yielding less than 1 percent, anywhere from 0.10 percent to 0.50 percent. Clearly, many investors are willing to accept paltry yields as long as they know their money is secure.
Another government offering is Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, which protect investors against rising inflation. That may be one result of any big government bailout.
Q. My retirement portfolio has been wrecked by this. How should I respond?
A. Continue to save. Big losses mean you'll need that much more time, or good news, to bring your balances back to where they need to be for you to retire comfortably. If your employer matches your contributions, this is a great time to take advantage of the largess.
As for whether you should pile into beaten down stocks, no one knows how much further the markets will fall or how long they'll take to bounce back. But people who move their savings to ultrasafe investments and then leave them there usually miss out on the gains when the markets come back. If you need to do that to sleep at night or avoid stomach ulcers, then do what you have to do. But it may cost you in quality of life come retirement time.
Q. But what if I am about to retire? Then what?
A. Leaving the work force at a time like this creates big problems. Not only is your portfolio down, but you need to start withdrawing from it. So you are essentially locking in your losses.
If your portfolio has taken a big hit, it may be time to seriously consider delaying retirement. Working just a few years more can make a big difference. Or, a part-time job may keep you from having to dip into your portfolio before it recovers. To get a better idea of how much you can afford to withdraw, you can test different amounts with a retirement income calculator on the Web, like T. Rowe Price's.
Q. With things looking increasingly gloomy, though, why not allocate extra cash to other types of savings or paying down debt?
A. If you're saving for a downpayment, you could put enough money in your retirement account to match any employer contribution. Then, use whatever money you have left for the downpayment fund, which should be in an ultrasafe account. The same logic goes for a teenager's college fund, which ought to be mostly in steady investments by now. There are nice tax breaks on 529 college savings accounts, too.
Yes, paying down debt, especially high-interest credit card debt, is always a good idea, though it's probably best to take advantage of employer matches on retirement savings first.
Q. Is it time to buy stocks?
A. Like gambling? This is a great time to make bets on the wide price swings that we're seeing in some stocks and entire sectors of the market. Just be prepared to lose big, as plenty of professionals have done of late.
Q. I'm worried sick about my parents, who rely on stock dividends for their income. What will happen to them?
A. It's not a great time to be relying on dividends. We've seen plenty of companies cut them. (Citibank did so on Monday as part of its acquisition of Wachovia's banking operations.) Still, if your parents were planning all along to keep their shares until they die and live only off the dividends and Social Security, perhaps now is the time to encourage them to be selfish. They could sell some shares and live well now, even if it means you'll get less later when they pass on.
Q. I'm a long-term investor and prefer not to see my retirement balances as real numbers for now. So the crisis doesn't feel like it has hit me financially yet. Should I be doing anything defensively?
A. It's not yet clear how much more the crisis will affect employment levels. Still, this seems like the best moment in years to have a few months of cash set aside in one of those online savings accounts just in case you lose your job or face some large expense that you haven't predicted.
Q. What's the next shoe to drop?
A. It seems certain that it will be harder for consumers to borrow money in the next year or two than it was earlier this decade. How much harder isn't clear yet. It will be more difficult for people who need jumbo mortgages than for those whose lenders can simply sell off their loans to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Home-equity lenders are already cutting plenty of people off, while credit card companies are lowering credit limits on others.
Q. What about more bank failures?
A. They will happen. In recent days, we've seen the F.D.I.C. getting out in front of troubles at big banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual, by arranging for other banks to take over their consumer accounts. What's less clear, however, is how many healthy institutions are left to take in other big banks that may run into trouble.
As always, stay within F.D.I.C. deposit limits. Then, the worst-case scenario is that it will take a couple of days to extract your funds from a failed bank.